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What is Butterfly World?

Butterfly World is located in Coconut Creek, Florida.  It is the first butterfly house in the United States and is the largest in the world.  Since its opening in 1988, Butterfly World has housed millions of butterflies.  Today the museum is home to thousands of butterflies, bugs, birds, plants, and many more animals.


Welcome to Butterfly World

The museum includes giant aviaries, a butterfly farm, museum/insectarium, flowering gardens, fountains, ponds, and waterfalls.  In addition, the museum has a unique research center that offers visitors a chance to see the emergence of a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Butterfly World 

Butterfly World

Only at Butterfly World

The Heliconius hybrid “Piano Key” butterfly can only be found at Butterfly World.


“Piano Key” Butterfly


“Piano Key” Butterfly

My Journey

My adventure to Butterfly World was on 1/20/2018.  I spent 2.5 hours here and went picture crazy!

Butterfly World 

Butterfly World


Monarch Butterfly

Transforming from Caterpillar to Butterfly

One of Butterfly World’s main features is the Thomas C. Emmel Butterfly Research Center.  The research center houses caterpillars until the formation to butterflies.  The center displays different stages of butterflies emerging from all stages of life.  The four growth stages of a butterfly’s life cycle:


Butterfly Research Center

Butterfly Research Center 

Butterfly Research Center

  1.  The Egg – In mild climates, butterflies usually lay eggs in the autumn.  The eggs survive the winter in a sleeping state known as the diapause, which ends as soon as the temperature rises.
  2. The Larva (Caterpillar) – Bright colors with minimal eyesight, the caterpillar will eat, grow, and shed.  When the caterpillar is ready for the next stage of its life, it hangs itself under a leaf, forming a J shape.
  3. The Pupa (Chrysalis) – The Chrysalis remains still for weeks or even months.  During this period, known as pupation, the change from Caterpillar to Butterfly takes place.
  4. The Butterfly – Emerging with their wings folded up.  The butterfly is now an adult and will fly away and begin laying eggs.

Butterfly World 

Butterfly World

How long does a butterfly live?

Some live 3 days, some live 3 months.  The average life span is about a week to 10 days.

Butterflies Mating 

Butterflies Mating

Enter the Rooms of Beauty

The Butterfly aviary is multiple exhibit rooms with thousands of butterflies flying everywhere.  It is a calm and peaceful experience with a variety of plants, ponds, and waterfalls with classical music playing in the background.

Butterfly Aviary 

Butterfly Aviary

I recommend relaxing on the benches in the butterfly aviary.


Butterflies Snacking

Watch Your Step


Butterfly Blends with Rock

Butterfly Emerging Area

Butterfly World releases up to 3500 pupae each week from their butterfly farm and butterfly farms located in tropical countries around the world.  The butterflies at Butterfly World are hand raised and none have been taken from the wild.

Within the protective ceases the Pupa is hard at work, transforming itself from a crawling, leaf chewing critter, into a flying, nectar-sipping beauty.

Butterflies Emerging  

Butterflies Emerging

Bird Aviaries

Butterfly World has 2 separate bird exhibits.  The bird’s variety is amazing with birds from all over the world.  Some birds are caged and some roam free and could land on you.  Some of the birds in the aviary:

Black & White Seedeater – Colombia Venezuela

Black-faced Dacnis – South America

Blue Black Grassquit – Brazil

Budgies – Australia

Canary – Canary Islands

Chinese Painted Quail – Southeast Asia

Japanese White Eyes – Japan

Lady Gouldian Finches – Australia

Orange Breasted Waxbill – Africa – South of the Sahara

Red-Billed Fire Finch – Africa

Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu – Africa

Shafttail Finches – Australia

Society Finch – North America

Spice Finch – India

Violaceous Euphonias – Western South America

White Rumped Silverbill – Africa and Asia

Yellow & Red-Legged Honeycreeper – S. Mexico – Bolivia

Zanzibar Bishop Weaver – Africa

 Red Legged Honeycreeper 

Red-Legged Honeycreeper

Special Lorikeet Encounter

For a few bucks, you can feed the Lorikeet.  They have their own exhibit.  Incredibly beautiful and friendly bird!



Lorikeet feeding and pooping 

Lorikeet feeding and pooping

Plants Gardens and a Bridge

Throughout Butterfly World you will find countless varieties of plants.  From the Rose, Secret Vine Mize, and Grace gardens to the plant store itself in the museum, will find plants from all over the world.

Passiflora also is known as Passionflowers gives a nice touch to the exhibits.


Passion Flower – “Grace Ann”


Passion Flower – “Pura Vida”

The Tinalandia Bridge crosses the Butterfly World Lake to Macaw landing.  This is a great feature of the exhibit.

Tinalandia Bridge 

Tinalandia Bridge



Butterfly Museum and the Bug Zoo Room

The bug room is packed with scary critters.  Some of the insects housed here are Tarantulas, Scorpions, Millipedes, Cockroaches, and other more.  Enter if you dare!



The Butterfly Museum is great.  Here you will see all the different types of butterflies throughout the world.  It seems they have every type in the world in this room.  Very interesting.


Butterflies of the World


Butterflies of the World


If you are around Coconut Creek, Fort Lauderdale, and even the Miami area I would recommend visiting Butterfly World.  Especially if you have kids.  This trip can turn into a 3-hour visit if you take your time and take in all the wonders of each exhibit.

I appreciated that this was a self-guided tour.  No rush at the museum, I got to enjoy each exhibit and take many pictures and videos. You can repeat the tour for free.

Bring a Camera! Thousands of Butterflies await you.

The price is a little more than the usual museum, however, it is worth the admission cost.  I recommend looking on their website for discounts.

Get up-close with animals from all over the world!